Paris II: a-marketing we shall go

5 September Happy Sunday morning! We woke up early to get an early start on walking down to my beloved marché de la Bastille . It's a good hike from our hotel, just off of Place de la Nation. When we started on our way, I was struck by how autumnal the city felt. In 2008, I was in Paris only for the summer - seeing the leaves on the trees any color but green felt bizarre in a city that is, in my mind, eternally in summer. On the way to la Bastille, we got distracted by rue d'Aligre, which boasts its own market with a bounty of produce. We ogled enormous, bright orange wedges of potiron , a cousin of the pumpkin, and piles of thousands of golden-yellow fresh dates. There's a covered market just off of rue d'Aligre, too, boasting prepared foods and vibrant flowers. But we had a ways to go yet, and didn't want to pick up any extra weight to carry with us, so after thoroughly poking around the place, we didn't get anything at the marché d'Aligre....