
In the summer of 2008, I spent eight weeks living in Paris through the Boston University Paris Summer Internship Program . I completed an internship at the Galerie Eric Mircher, a small contemporary art gallery in the Marais in the 3rd arrondissement, and I took a class that looked at the development of Paris as a city between 1750-1950 through the examination of contemporary literary and historical texts, and through organized visits to different parts of the city. You can read about my experiences in the previous entries to this blog. Rue de Turenne, 3e arrondissement, Paris I had an incredible time and learned so much about Paris and about myself, but with the exception of a couple of day trips (one to Chartres, and one to Ecouen), I never really made it out of Paris - and in any case, I certainly never made it out of Ile de France. Getting to really live la vie quotidienne was an excellent way to get an insider's view of Paris, but restricted the time I had a...